Aiai Lab, 曖曖。內含光實驗室

“If Earth is Our Mother”

Candlelight, Calligraphy, and the Mother Earth: to repair relationships with Mother Earth from ‘the silence of our hearts’

“If Earth is Our Mother” is the light / ritual / multimedia / interactive work exhibited by ÄiÄi Illum Lab in 2017 Nuit Blanche Taipei overnight public art exhibition.

The inspiration for “If Earth is Our Mother” came from the traditional Hawaiian holistic therapy of ‘Ho’oponopono’. Comprised of four phrases of cleansing and healing ( ‘I am sorry’, ‘please forgive me’, and ‘I love you’,), it is intended to reinitiate a connection between modern humans and the Earth. Using candlelight as a ritual medium and calligraphy pen to write out the ‘four phrases’ of Ho’oponopono in silent.

If the Earth is My Mother is ceremony where participants gather for a congenial party, as we begin to heal from within.

Starbucks x Äi Äi ILLUM LAB 環保蠟燭

Starbucks x Äi Äi ILLUM LAB限量咖啡油香氛蠟燭中添加自星巴克回收咖啡渣所製成的咖啡油。萃取過的咖啡渣仍保有馥郁的咖啡氣息,其油脂還能再生循環利用,以珍惜大地之母所給予的珍貴能源,並透過義賣活動回饋支持公益與環境保護。

 曖曖。內含光實驗室 品牌主理人張葳表示:「咖啡用量極大的連鎖咖啡店星巴克,不斷致力於開發各種咖啡渣回收再利用的環保方式。在合作之初,星巴克原本只是希望研發一款有咖啡的天然蠟燭來呼應環境自然的主題。後來在我們經歷了無數次實驗研究後,機緣下搜尋到一篇英國新創生質能源公司Bio-Bean 與英國電子媒體從咖啡渣中萃取咖啡油的技術文章。經歷幾番輾轉,我們透過台灣在地的興采實業實踐此技術提煉書所需的關鍵咖啡油,來製作如焦糖般美麗而富有香氣的咖啡油蠟燭。」


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